1: Start here to find a UPS location near you. Customer centers are most ideal, but UPS Stores and Access Points are also good delivery endpoints.
2: If not a customer center, check with the location to ensure that they'll accept your package. Some stores do not do this by default. They will also be able to tell you whether a pickup fee is charged. UPS Stores in particular usually require you to have a box registered at their location.
3: List the exact address of that location on your order. Put the location type in the company field, such as "UPS Customer Center". This is required.
3b: If sending to a UPS Store, you must format your address like this:
Name: your name
Address 1: Street address of store
Address 2: If unit/suite, then: Unit/Ste ###, PMB ###
If no unit/suite, then: PMB ###
PMB meaning personal mail box, your box number.
As an example, your address should look similar to this:
John Doe
100 Main St
Unit 100, PMB 101
New York, NY 10001
4: During checkout, choose a UPS shipping option. This is required, and failure to do so may result in your package being returned to us automatically, which will result in delays and additional shipping fees. Package carriers generally do not accept deliveries from each other.
4b: UPS Stores at which you have a registered box are the exception; your mailbox agreement allows you to receive packages from any carrier. See here for more details regarding your UPS Store mailbox.
5: Watch your tracking info once you have it. Most UPS locations will generally only hold a package for five business days before returning it to the sender. It is also not likely that they will contact you directly when your package arrives; it is your responsibility to know when it is ready for pickup. UPS My Choice is a fantastic tool for this; see this article for more information.